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What is orthodontics?
Orthodontics; It is the specialty of dentistry branch that diagnoses and controls the harmony relations of incompatible and complicated teeth, tries to prevent this condition and performs its treatment.


Why do orthodontic problems occur and how are they treated?
Disorders such as having the lower jaw in front or behind, the treatment method is decided by taking into account the patient's age. If the patient is in adolescence and the lower-upper jaw structure is behind, treatment with orthodontic techniques is possible. If the patient is an adult, the treatment of skeletal disorders is carried out in cooperation with orthodontics and surgery. Due to functional disorders, jaw incompatibility may be observed in situations such as mouth breathing, for example. In a mouth-breathing person, the upper part of the jaw will be in a V-shape, as it will remain narrow.
Situations that should not be done and formed habits, such as using bottles and false pacifiers for a long time, finger sucking, nail eating, can lead to orthodontic disorders. These habits should be treated as early as possible.
The fact that these habits will be prevented at an early age is important for the completion of skeletal development.
Situations such as the tongue being larger than it should be in terms of structure, the presence of pulled dental cavities also cause gaps in the teeth. If the jaw structure to which the teeth are attached is small and the teeth are large; the teeth do not fit into the jaw and confusion occurs.
Early or late milk tooth losses experienced can also lead to the formation of intricate teeth. Instead of milk teeth falling out of the mouth prematurely, the permanent tooth that exists in the mouth slides into this space. And the teeth that need to come out of there will be confusion because they will not be able to find a place for themselves.


How much orthodontic treatment is necessary?
Orthodontic treatment is not only aesthetic concern, but also aims to prevent gum diseases that may be encountered in the future, prevent problems in the jaw joint, ensure chewing functionality and eliminate this problem for individuals with speech disorders.
According to the current orthodontic problem in the mouth, treatment methods can be determined with moving devices, functional devices and fixed devices. Simple orthodontic problems that are not at an advanced stage can be solved with rubber movable devices that the patient can use by inserting and removing.
It is of great importance that the priority orthondotic treatments are reversed in the treatments performed with the termination, and reinforcement treatments are not neglected to prevent deterioration. Different devices that work passively can be used for this period.


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