Root decay is decay that occurs in the root part of the tooth, which is below the gum line and embedded in the jawbone. Since it is usually invisible to the eye, it can progress insidiously and cause serious problems. In this article, we will examine the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods of tooth root decay in detail.
Causesof Tooth Root Decay
The root cause oftooth root decay, bacteria accumulate on the tooth surface and form acid and these acids dissolve the tooth tissue over time. However, there are some factors that predispose to tooth root decay:
Symptoms of Tooth Root Decay
Root decay is usually asymptomatic in the initial stages. However, as the decay progresses, the following symptoms may appear:
Diagnosisof Tooth Root Decay
Root decay is usually diagnosed during a dental examination. The dentist determines the location and extent of the decay by visually examining the teeth and taking X-rays.
Treatment Methods forTooth Root Decay
Treatment oftooth root decay depends on the size and severity of the decay. Treatment options include the following:
How to Prevent Tooth Root Decay
You can take the following measures to prevent tooth root decay:
Root decay is a preventable and treatable problem with early detection and treatment.
However, left untreated, it can lead to serious problems, up to tooth loss. Therefore, it is very important to have your teeth checked regularly and pay attention to your oral hygiene. Remember, healthy teeth are the foundation of a happy smile!
As 07Dental, we are here to keep your dental health at the highest level. With our expert team and our clinic equipped with the latest technology, We offer individual solutions to patients of all ages. We are proud to be the name behind your smile.
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