Dental cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form in the jawbone or gums. They are usually painless and are discovered by chance during a dental examination. However, as they grow, they can cause various problems. In this article, we will examine the causes, symptoms, types and treatment methods of tooth cysts in detail.
Why does a tooth cyst occur?
Many factors can be effective in the formation of dental cysts. The most common causes are as follows:
What are the Symptoms of Tooth Cyst?
Tooth cysts are usually asymptomatic. However, as they grow or become inflamed, the following symptoms may occur:
What are the Types of Tooth Cysts?
Dental cysts are divided into different types according to the cause and location of formation. The most common types of dental cysts are as follows:
How isTooth Cyst Treatment Performed?
Tooth cyst treatment depends on the type, size and location of the cyst. The most commonly used treatment methods are:
What should we do to prevent tooth cyst formation?
You can take the following measures to prevent tooth cyst formation:
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