Is Your Smile in Danger? The Silent Scream of Wearing Teeth and Solutions

Tooth wear is the thinning or damage to the surface layer of teeth over time. This can lead to serious problems, including tooth sensitivity, discoloration and even tooth loss. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for worn teeth.

Causes of Tooth Wear: The Source of the “Silent Threat”

Tooth wear can have many causes. The most common causes are the following:

  • Acidic Foods and Drinks: Acidic fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, carbonated drinks and some sports drinks can erode tooth enamel.
  • Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Clenching or grinding the teeth duringsleep or while awake, can cause tooth wear.
  • Wrong Tooth Brushing Habits: Brushing hard, using abrasive toothpastes or brushing teeth too often can erode tooth enamel.
  • Gastric Reflux: Stomach acid coming back into the esophagus and mouth can erode tooth enamel.
  • Vomiting: Frequent vomiting causes stomach acid to come into contact with teeth and cause erosion
  • Low saliva: Saliva is a natural defense mechanism that protects teeth from acids. People with low saliva have a higher risk of tooth wear.


Symptoms of tooth wear: “Warning Signals”

Symptoms of tooth wear can vary depending on the severity and location of the wear. The most common symptoms are:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Sensitivity tohot, cold or sweet foods and drinks
  • Thinning ofthe teeth: The enamel layerof the teeth becomes thinner and more transparent
  • Teeth Discoloration: Teeth yellowish or brownish color
  • Cracks in the Teeth Cracks in tooth enamel can occur.
  • Deformities ofthe teeth: Changes in the shape ofthe teeth can be seen.
  • Fractures in Teeth: Fractures in the teeth in cases of advanced wear

Tooth Wear Treatment Methods: ” Solutions”

Treatment of tooth wear depends on the cause and severity of the wear. Treatment options may include:

  • Fluorine Application: Fluorine application can be used to prevent or slow down early stage erosion.
  • Backfill: Small gaps or pits caused bywear can be filled with backfill.
  • Veneers In cases of greater wear, porcelain or composite veneers can be placed over the teeth.
  • Root Canal Treatment: Root canal treatment is necessary ifthe abrasion has reached the nerves of the tooth
  • Tooth Extraction Ifthe wear is too advanced and the tooth cannot be saved, tooth extraction is necessary
  • Night Plate: In people with teeth grinding, wearing of teeth can be prevented by using a night plate.

Ways to Prevent Tooth Wear: “Preventive Measures”

You can take the following measures to prevent tooth wear:

  • Limit consumption of acidic foods and drinks: Avoid frequent consumption of acidic foods and drinks. When you do, you can reduce the effect of the acid by drinking water or rinsing your mouth immediately afterwards.
  • GettingTeeth Grinding Treated: If you haveteeth grinding, seek treatment from a dentist.
  • Using the Right Brushing Techniques: Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled brush. Avoid abrasive toothpastes.
  • Stomach Reflux Treatment: If you havegastric reflux, treatment by consulting a doctor
  • Increase Salivation: Drink plenty of water and chew sugar-free gum to increase salivation.
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly to have your teeth checked and any necessary treatment done.

Important Note

Tooth wear is a preventable and treatable problem with early detection and treatment. However, left untreated, it can lead to serious problems, up to and including tooth loss. For this reason,

It is very important to have your teeth checked regularly and pay attention to your oral hygiene. Remember, healthy teeth are the foundation of a happy smile!